Jan 10, 2021Liked by Ilya Zayats

Triggers are key! I think you will appreciate this “distraction detector” I built for myself just yesterday: https://davidbieber.com/snippets/2021-01-09-mobile-distraction-detection-at-last/

It uses Chrome’s synced tabs features to let me detect (and stage interventions) when I’m spending too much time on distracting websites on my phone.

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Nicely written! Triggers are really missed out very often.

There is one point that I personally find worth to mention: when you exceed the planned timing slot.

I like to add an empt space slots to make sure I some reserve time and also to rest a little between and switch context more smoothly. What do you think about that?

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I've started to use https://www.getclockwise.com/.. It's really helped me with my calendar.

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