Triggers are key! I think you will appreciate this “distraction detector” I built for myself just yesterday: https://davidbieber.com/snippets/2021-01-09-mobile-distraction-detection-at-last/

It uses Chrome’s synced tabs features to let me detect (and stage interventions) when I’m spending too much time on distracting websites on my phone.

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Nicely written! Triggers are really missed out very often.

There is one point that I personally find worth to mention: when you exceed the planned timing slot.

I like to add an empt space slots to make sure I some reserve time and also to rest a little between and switch context more smoothly. What do you think about that?

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Hi Amin, thanks!

That is exactly what is built-in into the app's logic: by default, it places all the blocks with a break between them (from 1 to 5 min depending on the schedule's density).

And if any block, in reality, took more time than I've planned initially, then it can be extended until now just by one tap, and all blocks below would be automatically rescheduled: flexibility and adaptability are crucial to achieve a stress-free daily schedule.

Btw, the app in is in semi-open beta right now, so if you want to give it a try, just shoot me an email at hello@timetiler.com

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I've started to use https://www.getclockwise.com/.. It's really helped me with my calendar.

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